Watzek is ready to support you at every stage of your research.
Immediate help
In-depth help
Find the librarian who works with a particular program or department to send an email or arrange to meet. Librarians meet with students in one-on-one research consultations where you can get in-depth assistance with a research project. If you are not sure who to contact, fill out a general form and let us connect you with the best person to help you.
Every section of Words and Numbers has a corresponding librarian. First-year students are encouraged to contact that person for any questions about using the library.
Research guides corresponding to college departments and programs can help you navigate the resources most pertinent for any particular subject.
Watzek Library’s Special Collections and Archives possess extensive research collections including a rare books and manuscripts library, literary collections including the William Stafford archives, early manuscripts, and historical collections. The historical collections include extensive holdings on the World War II Civilian Public Service, pacifism, women’s suffrage, and one of the world’s most complete collections of printed materials on the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Special Collections collaborates with classes in a number of departments.
Materials may be viewed by appointment by emailing archives@lclark.edu.
During the academic year, the Special Collections Reading Room has open hours between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays, extending until 7 p.m. on Tuesdays.
Digital and Data Services consults with students on coding projects, runs a high performance computing cluster, and offers access to tools for data science computing, among other services.