Primo is the new library search tool used to find items in Lewis & Clark and Summit Libraries, as well as some articles and other electronic resources.
Primo uses search scopes to combine specific collections and focus your results. You can select a specific search scope in the drop-down menu above, or by selecting your desired scope under the search box on the main library home page.
Locate books, e-books, audio-visual recordings, maps, scores, microforms, government documents, special collections, journals, magazines, and newspapers available on-site at Watzek and Boley libraries.
Locate everything in the L&C list above, and find out if other academic libraries in the Pacific Northwest (Summit) own what you're looking for.
Locate everything in the L&C and Summit lists above, as well as some full-text articles. This is the only scope in Primo that allows you to search the full-text content of articles from journals, magazines, newspapers, and more.
Primo does not include all the content from specialized databases to which L&C subscribes. For discipline-specific searching, use Watzek Library's Research Guides or Boley Library's Databases, depending on your affiliation.
WorldCat holdings are not included in Primo. You can search for items at libraries around the world and submit Interlibrary Loan (ILL) requests through Worldcat.
If you already have a citation and you haven't located it in Primo or in our databases, you can manually submit an ILL request: Boley Library | Watzek Library.
Ask us at Watzek Library and Boley Law Library!