Watzek Library is committed to serving as an equitable and inclusive community resource. In support of the library's core values, and guided by the work of the College's Strategic Plan and Office of Equity & Inclusion, library staff work to ensure actions are taken throughout the library in support of equity and inclusion.
The library serves as a learning hub and gathering space for the Lewis & Clark community. We strive to create inclusive physical and virtual spaces where people from all backgrounds, abilities, and experiences are welcome, safe, and respected. We do this by featuring the voices and perspectives of historically marginalized and underrepresented groups in our collections and exhibits, and by ensuring these groups have equitable access to our resources, services, and employment opportunities. We believe that equity and inclusion efforts are an active and ongoing process, and our approach to equitable, diverse, and inclusive collections and services will continually evolve through strategic action and professional development. We are dedicated to reducing barriers to research and engagement as we explore, learn, and work together.
Watzek Library strives to recruit and retain a diverse staff, including student staff, through open and equitable hiring practices and by creating a welcoming and inclusive work environment. We recognize the benefits of having a diverse team as we work to provide inclusive services and resources and offer direct support to students and faculty.