Access for L&C College and Graduate School only. Full text for approximately 270 U.S. newspapers chronicling a century and a half of the African American experience.
Approximately 270 newspapers from more than 35 states, including many rare and historically significant 19th century titles.
The electronic editions of local, regional, and national U.S. newspapers.
The electronic editions of local, regional, and national U.S. newspapers. Each paper provides unique coverage of local and regional news, including companies, politics, sports, industries, cultural activities, and people in the community. Paid ads are excluded.
Full text of CQ Researcher reports on major U.S. social, economic and political issues.
Each 12,000 word weekly report provides an in-depth news and analysis of a single contemporary issue: social, political, international. Provides an overview, historical background, a chronology of important events related to the issue, pros and cons from experts, maps/graphs, bibliographies, and lists of organizations that can be contacted for further information.
Includes journals, magazines, and newspapers from ethnic and minority presses. Covers 1959–present. Ethnicities include African American/Caribbean/African, Arab/Middle Eastern, Asian/Pacific Islander, European/Eastern European, Hispanic, Jewish, and Native American.
Created by the U.S. intelligence community to benefit policy makers and analysts, FBIS Daily Reports offer foreign views and perspectives on historical events translated into English.
Created by the U.S. intelligence community to benefit policy makers and analysts, FBIS Daily Reports offer foreign views and perspectives on historical events from thousands of monitored broadcasts and publications. Translated into English from more than 50 languages - from Arabic to Swahili - these comprehensive media reports from around the globe include news, interviews, speeches and editorial commentary.
The World News Connection Archive 1993-2013 contains information obtained from newspaper articles, television and radio broadcasts, online sources, conference proceedings, periodicals, and non-classified reports. This information is collected and translated by and for the U.S. Government.
Access to more than 1,000 major U.S. regional, national and local newspapers, and leading titles from around the world. (Does not include The Oregonian).
Leads to articles in left-leaning periodicals about politics, economics, and society.
Indexes the diverse literature of the left, with an emphasis on political, economic, social and culturally engaged scholarship inside and outside academia. A secondary emphasis is on significant but little known sources of news and ideas. Other topics covered include the labor movement, ecology & environment, race & ethnicity, social & cultural theory, sociology, art & aesthetics, philosophy, history, education, law, and globalization. Historically significant early Left publications such as The People (est. NY 1891), and The Class Struggle (1931-1937) along with classic texts by Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Engels and others, written in the formative years of the Left, also are covered. Many of the 774 sources indexed are unique; you won't find them indexed in API, the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature or the Social Sciences Citation Index.
Full text of national, regional, and international newspapers, business, and legal sources and more.
Provides full text documents from over 6,000 news, business, legal, medical, and reference publications. Includes national and regional newspapers, wire services, broadcast transcripts, international news, and non-English language sources; U.S. Federal and state case law, codes, regulations, legal news, law reviews, and international legal information; Shepard's Citations for all U.S. Supreme Court cases back to 1789; and Company Dossiers, with business journal articles, company financial information, SEC filings and reports, and industry and market news.
Selected full-text access to hundreds of newspapers, newswires, and radio & TV transcripts.
Newspaper Source provides cover-to-cover full text for nearly 60 (U.S.) & international newspapers. The database also contains selective full text for over 300 regional (U.S.) newspapers. Full text television & radio news transcripts are also provided.
Index of more than 3 million articles from 375 popular and general-interest publications published in the U.S. and Canada (1890-1982).
Comprehensive indexing of the most popular general interest periodicals published in the United States; reflects the history of 20th century America. Current coverage for this database includes the years 1890 through 1982.