Contains indexes and full text relating to the study of all religious subjects.
The ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials is a comprehensive database designed to support religious and theological scholarship in graduate education and faculty research. The database contains citations from international titles and over 16,000 multi-author works in and related to the field of religion. It also includes a full range of index citations to journal articles, essays in multi-author works, book reviews, and Doctor of Ministry projects from ATLA's print indexes: Religion Index One (RIO), Religion Index Two (RIT), Biblical Studies and Index to Book Reviews in Religion (IBRR). Though coverage is from 1908 to the present, not all publications begin in 1949. Semiannual Updates.
Searches Anthropological Index and Anthropological Literature simultaneously.
Combines two powerful databases, Anthropological Index (AI), produced by UK's Royal Anthropological Institute, and Anthropological Literature (AL) from Harvard. It offers worldwide coverage of core periodicals in social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology; ethnology; archaeology; folklore; material culture; and interdisciplinary studies--spanning the late 19th century to the present. This umbrella database consolidates two of the strongest resources in anthropological research, providing researchers with the broadest coverage available in one database. Only 10 simultaneous users for all Summit libraries, so if you have trouble accessing this, try back another time.
Use the advanced search to search for journal articles within a specific discipline.
Collections owned by Watzek Library: Arts & Sciences I - IX, Jewish Studies, and Biological Sciences. The JSTOR collections contain the full text of several hundred scholarly journals, from their earliest issues up to 3-5 years ago. A wide range of subjects are covered in the arts and sciences, including language and literature, ecology, history, political science, mathematics, anthropology, sociology and philosophy. Through a partnership with ARTstor, JSTOR also can run a concurrent search for images, separating results into "Articles," "Images from Articles," and "ARTstor Images."
Primo is the library's search engine for books at Watzek Library and at Pacific Northwest Academic Libraries via the Summit delivery system. It also contains audiovisual materials like DVDs and CDs as well as journal articles and ebooks.