When you submit your work to the Lewis & Clark Senior Projects site, you will also provide documentation for your images. Please follow the guidelines below.
Overall title (labeled “Title” on the “Project Metadata” page of the form)
Unless changed, this field will default to "Works by [Your Name]," resulting in a page that looks as follows:
Works by Your Name
By: Your Name
To avoid this redundancy, you may wish to provide a title for all of your works, if you have one (e.g., "Behind Mirrors"). You might also use a generic heading, such as "Paintings," "Photographs," etc., so that the end result is as follows:
By: Your Name
Individual titles and series titles (labeled “Title” on the “File metadata” page of the form)
When providing a name for an individual item that belongs to a series, include the series title in the same field as the title of the individual work, as follows:
Vermillion (Red Series)
Being consistent about capitalization will help your documentation look as professional as possible. Titles should generally be capitalized, and will automatically appear in italics.
Sensation of a Sphere
The Unseen #4
Untitled 2
What's There Is Here II
For other fields, capitalize the first word of the line, but no other words except from proper nouns.
Inkjet print
Mixed-media installation
Variable dimensions
Stoneware clay, earthenware clay, wood, found objects
Fabric, Poly-Fil, LED lights, buttons
For two-dimensional works, provide height by width in inches, as below:
30” x 24"
For three-dimensional works, provide height by width by depth in inches, as below:
23” x 84” x 53"
For installations, you will not provide a measurement. Instead, list the dimensions as variable. Since the word "Dimensions" will appear on the senior projects site, entering just the word "Variable" will make the most sense in this context. In other situations, "Dimensions variable" may be preferable.
File Names
When you submit digital images of your work professionally, you will want to follow a consistent file-naming convention. For the images you will upload to this site, please give all filenames the following structure:
firstnamelastname_name of piece_size
File Size and Type
JPGs are required on the senior projects site. Files should have a maximum size of 50 MB.
Image Size
Images should be 2000 px on the longest side. Larger images may be resized in Photoshop (Image > Image Size).